Summertime is the perfect time to gather friends and family around the pool for some good old-fashioned fun. And what's more fun than playing pool drinking games? If you're looking for some great games to keep the party going, look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss some of our favorite pool drinking games. So grab one of your favorite Mixly cocktail mixers and get ready to have some fun with these pool drinking games.
Floating Beer Pong
Floating beer pong is one of our favorite pool drinking games. The object of the game is to toss ping pong balls into your opponents' cups. If you make a shot, your opponent has to drink the contents of that cup. The first team to sink all of their opponent's balls wins!
To play this game, you'll need a pool, a floating beer pong table, and some cups. You can either use Solo cups or buy some pool-specific floating cups. Fill each cup with your favorite beverage, and you're ready to play! This game is best played with two teams of two players each. But you can also play one-on-one if you don't have enough people for two teams.
Flip Cup Relay Race
Flip cup is another classic drinking game that's great for pool parties. The game's object is to drink your beverage and then flip your cup upside down on the table. The first team to finish all of their cups wins!
To play this game, you'll need a pool, a table, and some cups. Unlike the original game of flip cup, this one involves a little more effort from each team member. To start, you'll want to set up your flip cup table like normal, away from the pool. You could either do this on the lawn or on the pool deck.
Split the players into two teams before you begin. Two players will jump into the pool and swim to the other side to start the game. Once they reach the side, they need to jump out and make their way over to the flip cup table, quickly drink their beverage and flip the cup. Once one of the players has finished flipping their cup, the next player starts the process over again. The winner is the team who has all of their cups flipped over first.
Pool Volleyball Tournament
One of the most fun pool drinking games is pool volleyball. This is a great game to play with a large group of people. You can have as many teams as you want, but we recommend having at least two teams of four players.

To set up this pool drinking game, you'll need a pool and a volleyball net. If you don't have a pool net, you can easily make one out of pool noodles and rope. Once you have your pool and net set up, you're ready to start playing!
Start by splitting the players into teams. The number of people per team will depend on how many people are playing. Once the teams are decided, it's time to start playing! The object of the game is to score points by getting the volleyball into your opponents' pool. You can score points by either serving the ball over the net and into their pool or blocking their shots. The first team to reach 21 points wins! The losers will all need to take a shot or chug a drink.
One of the most classic pool drinking games is chicken. This game is perfect for a pool party because it's easy to set up and doesn't require any special equipment.
To play chicken, you'll need a pool and at least four players. The game's object is to see who can stay on their partner's shoulders the longest without being knocked down.
To start, each team will need to choose one person to be the chicken. The chicken will then get on its partner's shoulders and try to stay balanced. The other team will try to knock them down by splashing them or pushing them. If the chicken falls off their partner's shoulders, they lose! The losing team will take a shot.
Never Have I Ever
Never Have I ever is a classic pool drinking game perfect for pool parties. The game's object is to get your opponents to drink by saying things that they've never done.
To play this game, you'll need a pool and at least two players. To start, each player will take a turn saying something that they've never done. Then, if any of the other players have done that thing, they need to take a drink. For example, you could say, "Never have I ever been to Europe." If anyone has been to Europe, they would need to take a drink.
The game continues until all of the players have had a turn. The player who has had the most drinks at the end of the game loses! This party doesn't require any special equipment, just some delicious mixed drinks, and a few friends.
Most Likely Game
The pool is the perfect place to play the Most Likely game. This pool drinking game is ideal for getting to know your friends better.

To play this game, you'll need a pool and at least three players. The game's object is to guess who would be most likely to do something. For example, you could say, "Who is most likely to get married first?" The other players would then have to guess who they think would be most likely to get married first. The person who receives the most votes has to take a shot. The game continues until all of the players have had a turn.
Reverse Charades
Reverse charades is a pool drinking game that's perfect for large groups. The object of the game is to guess as many charades as you can in two minutes.
To play this game, you'll need a pool and at least six players. The object of the game is to guess as many charades as you can in two minutes. To start, split the players into teams of three. One player from each team will be the charades player. The other two players will be the guesses.
The charades player will act out a charade, and the other team will try to guess what it is. The team that guesses the most charades in two minutes wins! The losing team will take a shot.
Pool Pick Up Sticks
This pool drinking game is perfect for those who like a little competition. To play pool pick-up sticks, you'll need a pool and at least two players. The object of the game is to see who can pick up the most pool sticks that are thrown into the pool. To start, each player will take turns throwing their pool stick into the pool.
The goal is to land the pool stick in such a way that it will be easy to pick up. After all of the pool, sticks have been thrown, each player will try to pick up as many pool sticks as they can. The player who picks up the most pool sticks wins! The losing players will take a shot.
Tug Of War
Tug of war is a pool drinking game that's perfect for those who like a little competition. The object of the game is to see who can hold on to their pool float the longest. To play this game, you'll need a pool and at least two players.
To start, each player will take an end of the pool float. The players will then try to pull the pool float away from each other. The player who is able to hold on to their end of the pool float for the longest amount of time wins! The losing players will take a shot.
These pool drinking games are the perfect way to keep your party going! They'll help you get to know your friends better and provide hours of entertainment. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a Mixly cocktail mixer, pour your favorite beverage and try one of these games today!